Friday, March 4, 2011

Journal 2 (NETS-T 5)

Ferguson, H. (2010). Join the flock. Learning and Leading, 37(8), Retrieved from

Hadley Ferguson discusses the importance of building up your PLN (professional learning network).  By having a twitter account a person can build a community of people that can information amongst each other.  She gives a step by step process of building a PLN.  First, take the time to build a community, set up an account, learn to follow, tap into great lists, watch and listen, give generously, expose yourself, and tag your tweet. 
Q1:  How can a teacher use twitter to build up their PLN?
A teacher can use twitter as a resource for an endless amount of information.  A teacher could follow another teacher and they could share information about a lesson plan or share information about a useful website they've discovered.  Twitter is all about generously sharing and receiving information, but it definitely involves investing some time to make it all come together.

 McClintock Miller, S. (2010). Enhance your twitter experience. Learning and Leading, 37(8), Retrieved from

Shannon McClintock Miller shares some useful tips to make the most out of a twitter account.  She says that the keys to a great twitter relationship include much of what Hadley Ferguson had to say...take the time and expose yourself to great resources on a professional AND personal level.  Shannon McClintock Miller has two twitter accounts - one for professional updates and one for personal information.  She says because, "there is too much information to have just one account" (McClintock Miller 15).

Q2:  What is a twitter organizer?
A twitter organizer is a toolbar you can install on your desktop.  These managers take Twitter stream and breaks it up into columns.  You can view and manage as many columns as you like and they're organized based on titles like "All Friends" or "Direct Messages."  This way you can view several columns at the same time. 

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